Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Been a while

Hi Blog!

Sorry I've been so neglectful lately, I've been super busy!

It's crunch time for X-mas rush so I've been making miniatures like crazy, and failing at making Barbie clothes badly!

BUT, It's also crunch time for me personally because my baby is due in January so most of my time has been taken up by this baby blankie I've been knitting!

It's taking FOREVER!!

   Also, I've made a bunch of Barbie candy! My daughter wanted "Barbie candy" for X-mas so I made a bunch. It was so cute I had to give it to her early. I'll make her more stuff for X-mas.

Four of her Barbies had a tea party with their new treats. 
Looks so cute!


I didn't have the foresight to take a picture of everything I'd made that day, on the cookie sheet. . . like I usually do, but here's some of the suckers!!

My chocolate collection! 

On the first day, when I attempted to make my lollipops, it took me a while to get it right.
The lollipops turned out nicely!
 but I had a lot of failure. 

Then I the next day, I turned that failure into candy canes!!

 I adore these red/white/green ones! I bet these will sell well.
 These yellow/green/white ones look nice.

 I dig this green/blue/white one. I think I'll make more of these!

I don't know if I like these last blue ones, but overall, some really nice candy canes came out!

I'm planning on making some chocolate boxes for the chocolates and then, PREPARE to see them on EEEEETSSSSYYYYYY!

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