Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The problem with being "a crafter"

    Since my daughter was born, she's known I can make things. I bet in her very early childhood, she believed that all people, or at least all moms could make anything.

   This is cool for her because, if she wants anything, all she has to do is ask. For me on the other hand, it adds to my growing queue of "things to make."

    Now I'm "a knitter" which means, not only my daughter, but others are asking me to make things so now I have
  1. Things The Robot Princess asked me to make, to make
  2. Things other family members have asked me to make, to make,
  3. Things I want to give away for Xmas to make,
  4. Things I want to make for me to make,
  5. Things to make to sell on Etsy AND
  6. Things I want to give as gifts, but don't plan on doing it this Xmas

. . . WOW! I have too many things to make!

Here I go organizing them! I'll add pics as they pop up

Things The Robot Princess asked me to make, to make
  1. barbie couch,
  2.  little pillows, 
  3. knitted bracelet
  4. I'm sure I'm forgetting more

Things other family members have asked me to make, to make,
  1. Child's legwarmers
  2. crocheted potholders (I still need to learn how to crochet.)
  3. Hat and scarf for medium sized stuffed bear,
  4. Plate of sugar cookies for the same bear, one star, one snowman and one ginger bread man
Things I want to give away for Xmas to make,
  1. Iron Man doll
  2. 3 Monster High hats
  3. 3 doll sweaters
  4.  6 pairs of doll jeans
  5. 1    Teapot
  6. 1    Creamer
  7. 1    Sugar pot
  8. 4    teacups
  9. 4    saucers
  10. 4    plates
  11. 4    spoons
  12. 4    cupcakes
  13. 4    crumpets?
  14. 4    sandwiches
  15. 4    dresses
  16. 4    pairs of shoes
  17. 3    Invitation (optional) 

Things I want to make for me to make,
  1.  Pumpkin hats for the whole family!! EEEEE!
  2. Pretty Purple Shrug
  3. Sexy Stripy Sweater

Things I want to give as gifts, but don't plan on doing it this Xmas
  1. Something knitted for Mr. Professional, my beloved. 

Things to sell on Etsy. This will be the longest so I'm putting it last.

  1. Fashion doll sets
  2. Fashion doll outfits
  3. Fashion doll food
  4. Fashion doll furniture
  6. Twelvth scale food
  7. Twelvth scale furniture

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